Maryland Thermal Imaging & Drone UAS Inspection
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Large Commercial Roof Inspections Using a Thermal Drone

Roof thermal Drone Inspection

Inspecting large commercial flat roofs can be time-consuming, expensive, and dangerous. Using drones to speed up the inspections of these properties can make roof inspections faster, safer, and less expensive. However, equipping these drones with additional technologies beyond regular visible cameras, such as thermal imaging cameras that allow the operator to see infrared energy invisible to the naked eye, brings additional benefits that make this type of inspection invaluable.Thermal, or infrared, imaging uses specialized cameras to make still images and video of the differing amounts of thermal energy being emitted or reflected from a surface.

Our Inspectors

Maryland State Home Inspector License #29634 
ASHI ACI Certified Membership
NACHI® CMI Certified Master Inspector
InterNACHI® CPI Certified Membership
CCPIA Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association
FAA Certified UAS Pilot #3987636
FLIR Level 1 Certification #170314159
FLIR Level 1 sUAS Certification #172651650
CRT Certified Residential Thermographer
IAC2, The International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants
NACHI® Building Science and Infrared Thermal Imaging for Inspectors

Thermal DroneWhy Use Thermal from Drones

Substations, Switchyards, or Transmission and Distribution lines
Whether inspecting substations, switchyards, or transmission and distribution lines, there are scores – if not hundreds – of connections, fused disconnects, insulators, splices, dead ends, and more that need routine inspection. Checking these from a drone has two primary benefits – speed and safety. Drone inspections let crews quickly scan large areas to find potential issues that need to be investigated further, and they keep crews safely out of range of energized equipment.

Thermal Inspections of Solar Panels from Drones


Solar Panel Inspections with drones
One of the most popular uses for drone thermography is solar panel inspection. As one of a drone’s biggest advantages is its ability to cover large areas quickly, this makes a lot of sense. A drone thermographer can image hundreds of acres of solar fields in a fraction of the time it would take to chase down anomalies the old-fashioned way.